Wednesday, July 21, 2010

CPS in Brazil?... Not on their watch!

Watch This Video...

Brazilian Babe Dances In Front of Kids - Watch more Funny Videos
Ok, now this one...

Come on America! I know we do things differently in this country but wow! I have never seen that kind of display in front of children. My moral thermometer is not that sensitive, but that is a little too much. There is a reason that CPS (Child Protective Services) exists in our country, and it is to keep kids safe from the world thats around them. Those poor kids are now scarred and discovering their sexuality far too early because of "Rita the rump shaker" Lets give Brazil a helping hand and show them how to raise kids who are not ass obsessed by age 5. Thanks America, and by all means... thanks alot!

P.S...... WWTPI moment #2

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I've gotta stop messing around and get down to Brazil! I personally don't see the problem. Maybe it's a cultural thing. Maybe they aren't afraid of sex in Brazil like they are here in America. I say, "God Bless 'em." Honestly, that's a chick I'd love to take home... just not to Mom. -Marcus
