Monday, July 19, 2010

Hello and welcome to the Straight Guy Blog. (where reality counts)

Hi my name is Leon. The guy on the left is my good buddy Marcus. I would like to welcome you to our crusade to inform America. There are many bloggers out there that prance around, act out for the camera, and also start all kinds of BS in the media. We are not those guys! We are real men. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, trans-gendered, or whatever... once again, we are just not those guys. We specialize in intelligent opinions. We are articulate, again intelligent, and have a view of the world that can only bee seen through the eyes of experience and mindful observation. You will receive insights in video form from myself, and Marcus. By the way I must inform you that nobody is safe. I repeat, nobody is safe! Women, children, your grandmother, kids, government, asian lady at the nail shop who talks crap about you in her language, rude black lady at the DMV.... its all included. We spare no one because in our eyes, nobody is innocent. If you are offended easily, well... we have comments for you as well. Open your ears America. The truth about the world we live in is about to be revealed. Thanks USA, and by all means... Thanks alot!

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