Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chivalry is dead for a reason...

This is so dumb. do women really believe that all men are trying to sleep with them? Have all women been duped before by a guy pretending to be chivalrous? Let me ask you something ladies, is preserving your whatever it is that you are protecting worth not accepting help when needed? Are you all that opposed to someone who you feel is unattractive, that you harshly shun them at first glance? I know this may seem like alot of questions at once, but really? Nice guys can't even be nice anymore. I'm not bashing women, I'm just calling out the logic behind your thinking. Feel free to comment if I am wrong here... Don't worry I'll wait. While I'm waiting, I will once again remind America that change in this world of irrational thought and action is entirely up to you. Thanks America ,and by all means ...Thanks alot!

WWTPI moment #4 Just look at both of them! The one in pink looks as if she fights bears MMA style. The other one with a back as wide as Brock Lesnar's proves that jumpers were not made for everyone.


  1. I always find it funny when women that refuse to act like ladies expect men to behave like gentlemen.-Marcus

  2. Linebackers... -Marcus
