Friday, August 6, 2010

Black Cholos exist! Wock Flocka what the F@#^ka!

I gotta admit, I thought I had seen it all, but wow! These people exist. Why do they exist? I have no clue. The only clue that I have to this odd situation is lack of parenting. I wonder what drives to someone to have pride in a race or ethnic group that they don't belong to? I take pride in Ireland though I am black, but thats because my great grand father was from Dublin Ireland. Maybe these creatures who have gone to the utmost extreme in brown pride have Mexican heritage, but in all actuality they are just black dudes and chicks that have found it to be cool living la vida loca. I don't understand it, but America we must take it upon ourselves to laugh at these people as much as possible. I remember when I was a kid, if we got laughed at hard enough about something we tried not to do it because of the sheer embarrassment. Let us help the black cho-lo by ridiculing them until they give up their ridiculous ways. Thanks America, and by all means... Thanks alot!

WWTPI moment #5

No this is not a NBA player trying on women's shoes. This is just a chick with a big ass foot! If I was her mother I don't think I would encourage my child to wear sandals.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chivalry is dead for a reason...

This is so dumb. do women really believe that all men are trying to sleep with them? Have all women been duped before by a guy pretending to be chivalrous? Let me ask you something ladies, is preserving your whatever it is that you are protecting worth not accepting help when needed? Are you all that opposed to someone who you feel is unattractive, that you harshly shun them at first glance? I know this may seem like alot of questions at once, but really? Nice guys can't even be nice anymore. I'm not bashing women, I'm just calling out the logic behind your thinking. Feel free to comment if I am wrong here... Don't worry I'll wait. While I'm waiting, I will once again remind America that change in this world of irrational thought and action is entirely up to you. Thanks America ,and by all means ...Thanks alot!

WWTPI moment #4 Just look at both of them! The one in pink looks as if she fights bears MMA style. The other one with a back as wide as Brock Lesnar's proves that jumpers were not made for everyone.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

CPS in Brazil?... Not on their watch!

Watch This Video...

Brazilian Babe Dances In Front of Kids - Watch more Funny Videos
Ok, now this one...

Come on America! I know we do things differently in this country but wow! I have never seen that kind of display in front of children. My moral thermometer is not that sensitive, but that is a little too much. There is a reason that CPS (Child Protective Services) exists in our country, and it is to keep kids safe from the world thats around them. Those poor kids are now scarred and discovering their sexuality far too early because of "Rita the rump shaker" Lets give Brazil a helping hand and show them how to raise kids who are not ass obsessed by age 5. Thanks America, and by all means... thanks alot!

P.S...... WWTPI moment #2

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"Why can't I find a man" Boo-freakin hoo!

This is the first entry America. I told you that no one is safe, nor is it a way for us to score chicks. This is just raw undeniable truth. I would love to see what you think, and so would Marcus. He will be responding shortly and will more than likely grade this phenomena more harshly than I will. More to come in later days and weeks. Trust me there are Dudes that suck too, and will be discussed at a later date. Plus I have a segment I will call WWTPI pic of the week. WWTPI stands for (Why Weren't The Parents Involved). This basically means The person or moment in the said pic resembles a child who has made their own decision and did their own thing. Ask if it looks good before you make that decision. Anyway US, heed my words, Marcus now has the floor. Thanks America and by all means... thanks alot.

PS. WWTPI moment #1

Monday, July 19, 2010

Hello and welcome to the Straight Guy Blog. (where reality counts)

Hi my name is Leon. The guy on the left is my good buddy Marcus. I would like to welcome you to our crusade to inform America. There are many bloggers out there that prance around, act out for the camera, and also start all kinds of BS in the media. We are not those guys! We are real men. Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, trans-gendered, or whatever... once again, we are just not those guys. We specialize in intelligent opinions. We are articulate, again intelligent, and have a view of the world that can only bee seen through the eyes of experience and mindful observation. You will receive insights in video form from myself, and Marcus. By the way I must inform you that nobody is safe. I repeat, nobody is safe! Women, children, your grandmother, kids, government, asian lady at the nail shop who talks crap about you in her language, rude black lady at the DMV.... its all included. We spare no one because in our eyes, nobody is innocent. If you are offended easily, well... we have comments for you as well. Open your ears America. The truth about the world we live in is about to be revealed. Thanks USA, and by all means... Thanks alot!